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Using macOS


About this Document

In this document, we explain how to connect to the AXS Guard SSTP server from a Mac.


  • The AXS Guard SSTP server must be configured and running, as explained in the SSTP server documentation.

  • Homebrew must be installed on your Mac. See for instructions.

Installation and Configuration

SSTPC Client

  1. Start a terminal and install the sstp-client.

    brew update
    brew install sstp-client
  2. Connect to the SSTP VPN server using your login and password by copying and pasting the following command:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/sstpc --log-stderr --cert-warn --user <user> --password <password> <server> usepeerdns require-mschap-v2 noauth noipdefault defaultroute refuse-eap noccp


  • <user> is your AXS Guard username, e.g. johndoe.

  • <password> is your AXS Guard password or the one-time password generated by your authentication token.

  • <server> is the FQDN or IP address of the SSTP VPN server, e.g.

SSTPC Example

sudo /usr/local/sbin/sstpc --log-stderr --cert-warn --user johndoe --password my_secret_password usepeerdns require-mschap-v2 noauth noipdefault defaultroute refuse-eap noccp